Tuesday, August 26, 2008

putting on my blinders.

Life has changed a lot these past several months. I have had to make major decisions I never thought I would have to make. Let's just say, I have had a lot of "growing pains."

Ever since I was little I wanted to be a nurse. I realized as I got older this would be a great opportunity to share the gospel also. This past year, my plans changed. I took my first nursing class and did a lot of praying and realized nursing just isn't for me. This was the path that I wanted, the career I thought would be the best, but its just not God's plan for me.

Its really hard to tell people I'm not going to be a nurse after years of knowing exactly what I wanted to do. I feel like a disappointment in some ways to my parents, like I'm letting them down. But I have decided that I was not created to be a people pleaser. All my life, I have tried to make others happy when I should be focusing on pleasing my heavenly Father. I am putting on my blinders and not looking to the left or right but looking solely on Him.

I'm still not sure what I am suppose to do. It might still be something that goes along with nursing; I'm just not positive. I was created to love others and God's plan for my life will be revealed in time.

Careers I'm seriously looking at are grief counseling, counselor for special-needs children and their families, social worker, and I really really want to open a shelter for those no one else wants to help when I get older.

Growing up is not easy...

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